Dozens of people have been arrested following an investigation by a large-scale organized crime group that has recovered tens of thousands of dollars in stolen property.
Peel Regional Police said an investigation into the group, which is believed to be involved in a number of thefts and frauds in southern Ontario, began in November 2021.
With the help of other provincial police and the Canadian Border Service, the five-month investigation saw the execution of search warrants at several residences in the Peel region on Tuesday.
“As a result, there was a significant amount of property from various stores in all the homes,” police said, adding that the items recovered were valued at more than $ 80,000.
Twelve people, including four teenagers, have been charged in connection with the investigation.
One of the accused, 43-year-old Ingrid Stoykova, faces 13 charges – six counts of theft under $ 5,000, two for failing to identify, two for failing to comply with a probation order, two for failing to bail, three for failing to stay at the scene. and four charges of driving during the dismissal.
Police said they were also looking for 13 additional warrants for unrelated incidents.
“Successful completion of this complex investigation would not have been possible without the cooperation of our law enforcement partners and the assistance of stakeholders from our community, both public and private,” said Peel, Deputy Chief of Regional Police Mark Andrews.
“This is another example of our commitment to community safety and well-being.
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