
A technical problem with electronic translation leads to a lack of deposits from RBC customers

RBC customers say the money received by electronic transfer does not appear in their accounts and the bank says the problem has already been resolved.

Hello Kam. We are currently experiencing a problem with electronic translations, which means that recently submitted translations are no longer displayed. We work to publish these records and to reflect the exact account balances as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience ^ SB

– RBC (@RBC) April 15, 2022

RBC says customers with an automatic deposit set up for electronic transfers who received an electronic transfer between April 23 at 11pm and April 15 at 3am EST may not see the money appear in their account.

“We had a technical problem with some e-transfers,” said Edith Galinaitis, RBC’s communications director, in an email to CHEK News. “Electronic translations sent outside this period of time are not affected. We are working to publish these records and to reflect the exact account balances as quickly as possible. ”

Galinaitis told CHEK that the problem now needs to be resolved and customers need to see the money transferred in their accounts.

“Customers should now expect to see the funds reflected in their accounts,” the statement said. “RBC will reimburse the small number of customers who may have incurred fees or charges as a result of this technical problem.”

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