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Michigan Senator McMurrow Wins Spotlight by Exposing “Hated Garbage”

Lansing – Michigan Sen. Mallory McMurrow’s five-minute speech drew national attention on Tuesday and more than 9 million views on social media, while the Democrat from Royal Oak spoke out against the attack on Republican Senator Lana Thais from Brighton.

McMarrow delivered a speech in the Senate Chamber focusing on a fundraising campaign sent to Theis on Monday. The statement specifically said that McMurrow and others were “outraged” that they could not “prepare and sexualize kindergartens”.

McMarrow condemned her political defamation on Tuesday, speaking of her Christian upbringing and saying she wanted every child in Michigan to feel “seen, heard and supported.”

“We cannot allow hateful people to tell you otherwise to be a scapegoat and deviate from the fact that they are doing nothing to solve the real problems that affect people’s lives,” the Democratic senator said. “And I know that hatred will only win if people like me stay away and let it happen.”

The speech drew national attention in part because of debates about how sexuality and gender identity should be discussed in schools, and because of similar unproven allegations of “haircuts” imposed by some Republican lawmakers across the country in recent weeks.

The National Network for Rape, Abuse and Incest describes grooming as manipulative behavior that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim.

After the Senate session on Wednesday, McMorrow told reporters she received a call from a Christian woman in Texas who told her, “You told me everything I wanted to say to my family, friends and neighbors.”

Democrats should call hatred what it is, McMorrow said.

“There is a difference between politics and outright hatred,” she said. “And I think people are disappointed that elected officials have not done enough to declare that Democrats may be afraid to talk about religion and faith openly and honestly.”

As a mother, McMorrow said she believed she was targeted by Thays because she was “the biggest threat to your hollow, hateful scheme.”

“People who are different are not the reason our roads are in poor shape after decades of divestment or that healthcare costs are too high or teachers are leaving the profession,” McMurrow said.

On Wednesday morning, Thais, a Conservative MP and chairman of the Senate Education Committee, responded to McMorrow’s speech and a statement made by the Royal Oak Democrat on Wednesday morning on MSNBC.

“Sen. “McMorrow is not naive about politics and fundraising,” Thais said. “I know this because it only took her minutes to turn her Senate speech into a campaign donation request.

“While Senator McMorrow is at MSNBC preaching to his choir, I will keep my focus on Michigan parents, who Democrats seek to undermine as key decision-makers in their children’s education.”

Senator Lana Thais accused me by name of cutting and sexualizing children in an attempt to marginalize me, of opposing her marginalization of the LGBTQ community … in a fundraising email.

Hatred wins when people like me stand aside and let it happen. I will not. pic.twitter.com/jL5GU42bTv

– Mallory McMorow (@MalloryMcMorrow) April 19, 2022

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president in 2016, was among those who shared McMorrow’s speech on Twitter.

“Please watch this incredible speech by a Michigan senator @MalloryMcMorrow who is not ready,” Clinton wrote.

McMurrow’s viral speech came six days after Thays prayed for the opening of the day session, in which she said there were “forces that want things” for children other than what their parents would like to see, hear and hear. they know. “

Democrat senators rejected the prayer.

“Distorting the Senate’s reference in this way is out of the question,” Senator Dina Polehanki, D-Livonia, tweeted last week.

Criticism of the prayer was quoted in a fundraising email from the Theis campaign on Monday. It was sparked by the Republican primary in August by Mike Detmer, who is backed by former President Donald Trump.

The subject of the fundraising message was “chefs outraged by my call”. He described McMurrow as a Snowflake Democrat and described her as one of a group of “progressive social media trolls” who disliked her appeal.

“They believe that we, as parents, have no right to help our children orient themselves in adolescence or education,” Thais said in a fundraising email.

McMorrow appeared in MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday morning. She said no Republican MP came to her to apologize for the fundraising email.

“We need to confront the hateful garbage,” McMorrow said during the interview.
