Although the official did not specify which country provided the parts for the plane, the official said on Wednesday that the United States and other countries had worked “to provide them with the parts they need to get them in the air.”
The flow of spare parts has allowed Ukraine to expand its fleet of operational military aircraft, despite Russia’s ongoing invasion. The country has more planes now than three weeks ago, the official said.
A day earlier, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Ukraine had received additional fighter jets to increase its numbers.
But on Wednesday, the senior defense official returned, saying Ukraine had not received more aircraft, but had in fact received aircraft parts to make more of its existing aircraft functional.
However, the official hinted that at least one country was considering sending more planes to Ukraine.
“I was given to find out that an offer made by another country was actually made,” the official said. “This offer was not made, so I was ahead of where things actually were.” It is not known which country made such a proposal.
The United States has pledged to send 16 Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine, but the administration has refused to get involved in the transfer of the MiG-29 from another country to Ukraine via the United States.
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly asked other countries for MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters from the Soviet era, with which Ukrainian pilots already know how to fly.
Zelensky has asked other Eastern European countries on fourth-generation planes to send them to Ukraine, but no country has yet agreed to do so.
On Wednesday, the official Twitter account of the Ukrainian Air Force said: “Ukraine has not received new aircraft from partners! “With the help of the US government, @KpsZSU received spare parts and components for the restoration and repair of the aircraft fleet in the Armed Forces, which will allow more equipment to be put into operation.”
Ukraine’s air force is part of its air defense network, which also includes S-300 surface-to-air missiles and portable anti-aircraft missiles. The combination of platforms prevented Russia from establishing air superiority over Ukraine and controlling the skies.
Despite constant bombardment by Russian missiles and artillery, as well as strikes on military bases, Ukraine’s air force has remained largely intact, although it has suffered some losses.
In early March, about two weeks after the war, the defense official said Ukraine had 56 fighter jets, which make up about 80% of its fixed-wing fighters. But Ukrainians did not use their planes much, flying only 5 to 10 missions a day, the official said.
Even now, with more operational aircraft, Ukraine’s air force still operates a very limited number of daily flights, another defense official said.
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