Miguel Cabrera recorded his 3000th hit
\ n “,” providerName “:” Twitter “,” providerUrl “:” The 3000-hit chase was a repetition in some ways, but it also felt different. It was more a recognition of Cabrera’s ability as a pure striker. While Cabrera’s path to fame included a home run for his first Major League goal, he is proud to have won four wadding titles in five years, including his 2012 title as part of the American League Triple Crown season. “,” type “:” markdown “,” __ typename “:” Markdown “},” $ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ “slug \”: \ “miguel- cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \ “, \” type \ “: \” story \ “}). parts.4”: {“contentDate”: “2003-06-21T02: 00: 00Z”, “opis “:” The first goal of Miguel Cabrera’s career was a home run in his Premier League debut “,” duration “:” 00:00:37 “,” slug “:” cabrera-hits-walk-off-homer-c2524637583 “, “source”: null, “tags”:[{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({\”locale\”:\”en-us\”,\”slug\”:\”miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit\”,\”type\”:\”story\”}).parts.4.tags.0″,”typename”:”Tag”},{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({\”locale\”:\”en-us\”,\”slug\”:\”miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit\”,\”type\”:\”story\”}).parts.4.tags.1″,”typename”:”Tag”},{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({\”locale\”:\”en-us\”,\”slug\”:\”miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit\”,\”type\”:\”story\”}).parts.4.tags.2″,”typename”:”Tag”},{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({\”locale\”:\”en-us\”,\”slug\”:\”miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit\”,\”type\”:\”story\”}).parts.4.tags.3″,”typename”:”Tag”},{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({\”locale\”:\”en-us\”,\”slug\”:\”miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit\”,\”type\”:\”story\”}).parts.4.tags.4″,”typename”:”Tag”},{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({\”locale\”:\”en-us\”,\”slug\”:\”miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit\”,\”type\”:\”story\”}).parts.4.tags.5″,”typename”:”Tag”}], “templateUrl”: “hits walk-off homer”, “type”: “video”, “url”: “/ video / cabrera-hits-walk-off-homer-c2524637583”, “__ typename”: “Video”} , “$ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\” locale \ “: \” en-us \ “, \” slug \ “: \” miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \ “, \” type \ “: \ “story \”}). parts.4.tags.0 “: {” slug “:” hbmig-subject-mlbcom-feature “,” title “:” HBmig MLBCOM_FEATURE “,” __ typename “:” Tag “}, $ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ “slug \”: \ “miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \”, \ “type \”: \ “story \”}). parts.4.tags.1 “: {” slug “:” hbmig-combined-media-state-media-archive “,” title “:” HBmig MEDIA_ARCHIVE “,” __ typename “:” Етикет “},” $ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ “slug \”: \ “miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \”, \ “type \ “: \” story \ “}). parts.4.tags.2”: {“slug”: “playerid-408234”, “title”: “Miguel Cabrera”, “__ typename”: “Etiquette”}, “$ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ “slug \”: \ “miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \”, \ “type \”: \ “story \ “}). parts.4.tags.3”: {“slug”: “hbmig-subject-mlbc om-no-transco de “,” title “:” HBmig MLBCOM_NO_TRANSCODE “,” __ typename “:” Tag “},” $ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ “slug \ “: \” miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \ “, \” type \ “: \” story \ “}). parts.4.tags.4”: {“slug”: “gamepk- 17066 “,” title “:” 2003/06/20 tb @ fla “,” __ typename “:” Tag “},” $ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ ” slug \ “: \” miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \ “, \” type \ “: \” story \ “}). parts.4.tags.5”: {“slug”: “classic “,” title “:” classic “,” __ typename “:” Tag “},” $ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\ “locale \”: \ “en-us \”, \ “slug \”: \ “miguel- cabrera-records-3 -000th-hit \ “, \” type \ “: \” story \ “}). parts.5”: {“content”: “Cabrera’s pure hitting ability includes his preserved ability to hit in the opposite field, skill and philosophy, which he passed on to current and former teammates. \ n \ nCabrera scored at least 180 goals in 11 of the 12 seasons from 2005-16, the only exception being the injury-shortened ’15 campaign. in which he still won the title with va and. When Cabrera recorded his 2,500th strike at the end of the ’16 season, he was the eighth player to reach the end of his season at the age of 33, and the youngest to do so after Hank Aaron. “,” Type “: “markdown”, “__ typename”: “Markdown”}, “$ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\” locale \ “: \” en-us \ “, \” slug \ “: \” miguel-cabrera-records-3- 000th -hit \ “, \” type \ “: \” story \ “}). Parts.6.data”: {“html”: “
Miguel 3000 pic.twitter.com/duaKxKTIvU
– MLB (@MLB) April 23, 2022 \ n \ n “,” providerName “:” Twitter “,” providerUrl “:” amazing when you look at it, “Tigers manager AJ Hinch said earlier this week,” and I think as coaches and I as a manager, the older we all are, the more we can appreciate things that happened some time ago. I’m just trying to get these players to understand the names on the board he’s passing, the rarity of what you actually see in the flesh, watching him deal with such joy. \ N \ n “There are so many lessons. to break away from it, but just to absorb it and enjoy every minute of it. These players, Migi may be the first Hall of Fame member to ever play. You can put it in that perspective. It’s amazing that we can be a part of it. “”, “Type”: “markdown”, “__ typename”: “Markdown”}, “$ ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug ({\” locale \ “: \” en- us \ “, \” slug \ “: \” miguel-cabrera-records-3-000th-hit \ “, \” type \ “: \” story \ “}). parts.8”: {“contentDate”: ” 2021-08-22T18: 49: 35.282Z “,” description “:” Miguel Cabrera achieved a home run number 500 in his career, a solo Homer by Stephen Matz to equalize the match in …
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