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Kelowna pharmacist Nathan Klaassen says it is important to remember vaccines that are not talked about so much during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Vaccines have been an important topic of discussion for the past two years.
They play a crucial role in protecting you, your loved ones and our community from vaccine-preventable diseases. However, new research shows that during the pandemic, many older people missed one or more of their standard adult vaccines or did not know which ones they needed.
At the height of the discussion on vaccines, influenza vaccines and COVID-19, I received a lot of attention. However, there are other important vaccines that older people need to keep on their radar that may have fallen by the wayside. In particular, pneumococcal and shingles vaccines are two that many Canadians are unaware of.
Only 28% of adults over the age of 55 received the shingles vaccine and only 38% received the pneumococcal vaccine.
In discussions with those in our community, I have heard that many are unaware that pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death and hospitalization in the elderly and adults living with chronic diseases.
About 10% to 18% of people who get shingles develop severe pain in areas where shingles has occurred, which can last for weeks or even months. In some cases it can be permanent. In British Columbia, the elderly over the age of 65 are eligible for a free pneumococcal vaccine.
As an injectable pharmacist, vaccination is an important part of my role as a first-line medical professional. Vaccines play a crucial role in keeping us healthy, so I’ve gathered some information to help you put your health first.
• Try the vaccine assessment tool: Shoppers Drug Mart has a new online assessment tool to help you determine which vaccines you may need. After a few simple questions, the CANImmunize assessment tool will share which vaccines you should talk to your healthcare provider. Visit to access the tool.
• Understand the facts: Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation when it comes to vaccines. A common myth I hear is that you do not need other vaccines once you have received your COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines target different diseases, and just because you have received one vaccine does not mean that you are protected against other diseases. If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you are still at risk for the flu, shingles, pneumococci and others. Make sure you talk to a qualified healthcare professional, such as a pharmacist or doctor, if you have any questions about vaccines.
• Get vaccinated: Vaccinations help build your immunity to disease, which protects you from getting sick and can help prevent serious complications. Some vaccines protect you for several years, while others protect you for the rest of your life. It is crucial to be aware of vaccines. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with your vaccines and contact your family and friends to remind them to do the same. Together we can protect each other.
For more information about a specific vaccine or vaccine service, talk to your local pharmacist.
Nathan Klaassen is a pharmacist and owner of Shoppers Drug Mart in Kelowna.
This article was written by or on behalf of a prominent columnist and does not necessarily reflect Castanet’s views.
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