The condition of the Socialists, France’s other traditional government party, is just as ugly. Her candidate, Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, finished with just 1.7 percent.
Both parties continue to rule most of France’s cities, but Macron’s rise to power has killed traditional left and right nationally.
Sucking up moderates at both polling stations, he shrunk Republicans and Socialists – sending many voters to look for more extreme options.
On the right, that means Ms. Le Pen and hard-line television expert Eric Zemmour.
The candidate, similar to Corbyn, Jean-Luc Melenchon, a fan of Chavez and Castro, scored 22 percent in the first round – just a point behind Ms. Le Pen, making him the most viable candidate on the left.
“Maybe we should vote for extremes to find traditional parties,” Ms Mileli said.
Voters in Nice agreed that Ms Pecres’ spillover between centrist positions and far-right rhetoric left people confused.
The lack of support from key conservative figures, such as Nicolas Sarkozy, who supported Macron, did not help. But it was her wooden performances of the campaign that proved fatal.
“She has no charisma,” said Antoine Fabiano, another former Fillon voter.
The automotive expert is still deciding whether to support Macron or Ms. Le Pen. “We already know what one of them did – and as for the other, we don’t know what it will get us into. “I’m a little torn,” he said.
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