
“Lansdowne 2.0” includes a new arena, grandstands, another 1,200 housing units

Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group’s proposal for the next phase of Lansdowne Park’s revitalization includes a new arena and concert venue, a new stadium structure on the north side with more than twice the current retail space below, and 1,200 new housing units.

OSEG’s proposal, unveiled at a press conference at TD Place Stadium on Wednesday, will cost approximately $ 330 million, but will be “tax neutral”, according to OSEG President and CEO Mark Goody, who called it a “proposal and proposal for self-financing. “

Goudie said the first phase of the plan involves relocating the current Civic Center arena to the eastern part of TD Place.

The stand-alone arena, which will remain home to OSEG-owned Ottawa 67 and the Ottawa BlackJacks basketball team, will be reduced to 5,500 seats and will also serve as a venue for concerts and other indoor events. There will be apartments opening onto the field and a green roof that will merge with the existing berm overlooking the Great Lawn in Lansdow Park.

The second phase of the reconstruction of Lansdowne Park will include 1,200 new housing units, 10 percent of which will be available, according to OSEG. (OSEG)

New north stands

The second phase will include a complete replacement of the grandstands on the north side with 11,100 seats on two levels (down from the current 14,000), plus two “fan decks” for mixing and “bunker apartments” at the field level, Goody said.

The new grandstands on the north side will be more upright than the current structure, which architect Barry Hobin called an inefficient and “complete space pig.”

“This is not a building for people and it is hardly a sports building,” said Hobin, whose company was used to design the municipal elements of the project, including the arena and stadium.

Gaudi agreed, calling the 1967 Civic Center and the north stands functionally obsolete. They are at the end of their lives and need to be replaced. “

The city has already spent $ 135 million on renovating the south stands of TD Place as part of the first phase of the revitalization of Lansdowne Park.

Depiction of the proposed arena and venue for events during the concert. The stand-alone facility will be located at the eastern end of the TD Place field under a green roof, according to OSEG. (OSEG)

More retail space

The overhaul of the Civic Center also allows for more retail and mixed-use space, from the current 40,000 square feet to 100,000.

Above the new structure on the northern side will rise 1,200 new housing units. Preliminary drawings show three tall buildings dominating downtown Lansdowne Park.

This is not a building for people and it is hardly a sports building. – Architect Barry Hobin on the north stand

Ten percent of the new housing units will be affordable, Goody promised.

As in the entire Lansdowne Park revitalization process, speakers at Wednesday’s press conference contrasted the new site with the “concrete jungle” that existed before, with one participant claiming Glebe’s site was “one place” before the renovation.

Goudie said that in designing Lansdowne 2.0, OSEG and its partners have adhered to the city’s guiding principles.

“What we are talking about is creating a place,” he said.