
The city of Saskatoon is asking residents to take steps to prevent the spread of bird flu

The city of Saskatoon has issued a warning about bird flu.

The city says the Department of Agriculture has confirmed that samples collected from a snow goose found near Elrose were positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Saskatoon Park and Zoo has temporarily relocated all species of birds to the zoo’s sheltered facility to protect them from bird flu.

The city is asking everyone to help in response to the ongoing epidemic, following several guidelines, which include not feeding birds by hand, temporarily removing bird feeders that encourage birds to gather. Do not touch sick or dead birds and report sick or dead birds to the Ministry of Environment.

The city says bird flu is a viral infection that can spread easily and quickly among birds, and some wild bird species, such as ducks, can carry the virus and infect other birds without getting sick. However, other species of birds are more likely to become seriously ill and die when infected with certain species of avian influenza.

City officials say the risk to public health is extremely low and there is no risk to food safety.