Liam Neeson starred in “Memory” – an action thriller based on the novel – “De Zaak Alzheimer” – in which Neeson, a contract killer, has to make ethical decisions that put him on a dangerous path. Along with Monica Bellucci, Guy Pierce and others, does this work for a killer, or are we just watching Neeson’s next performance? Here’s what the reviews say.
The story, the action, the plot – everything is everywhere
If the main plot points of “Memory” sound familiar to you, it may be that you watched “The Memory of a Killer”, the Belgian crime drama of 2003, which is Americanized here (with two films based on the novel by Jef Geeraerts (The Alzheimer’s Case). Although this version more or less follows the same narrative path of its predecessor, the original film, although a perfectly good genre film in itself, is more interested in its central character (played in a very good performance by Jan Decleir), as as he is compelled to take into account both the gravity of his past atrocities and the cruelty of his present condition. “Memory” does work when Neeson captures the more dramatic moments of the script, but those scenes are just too few and far between to be truly effective.
Director Martin Campbell runs the Mask of Zorro and two Bonds, The Golden Eye and Casino Royale, although apart from a few stylish murders (hey, look, we’re on a boat!) You won’t really understand it; the whole thing is so shrouded in lead dialogues and clichés from the B-movie that until the last tired, bloodthirsty hour you will envy Alex’s ability to forget.
In the end, “Memory” is not very convincing, but at least it tries for something more serious than most. Released earlier this year, Thematically Like Catch the Fair was a much better film. But Liam Neeson is not involved. And if that’s a prerequisite when choosing such films, you could certainly do worse than Memory.
There is never a time when someone might think they risk looking really uncomfortable the way all Alzheimer’s patients do at one time or another. You can replace almost any damage, injury or even phobia in the script and the plot will not change much. On the other hand, the exchange of Ray Stevenson in the lead role may be more interesting, as he really looks his age in this, while Neeson, more than a decade older, continues to oppose it.
[AV Club]
One critic thought it worked
After all, the biggest advantage of Memory may be that it knows exactly what it is – a fun combination of sloppy action and surprising emotion. This is the best kind of B-movie.
This promising thriller with a high concept turns out to be too general to stand out from the indistinguishable oversaturation of Neeson’s projects after “Taken”.
“Memory” is not memorable, but its trick is more interesting than typical Neeson action.
It’s a weird feeling you can’t fall in love with Neeson. But somehow I like it. He feels honest and less condescending.
[Washington Post]
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