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Tulsey Gabbard proposes Obama behind the “Ministry of Truth”, says Biden is just a “champion”

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Former Hawaiian spokeswoman Tulsi Gabbard has suggested that former President Barack Obama is behind efforts to establish a Disinformation Management Council, which she likened to George Orwell’s famous “Ministry of Truth.”

“Biden is just a frontman,” Gabbard said on Twitter on Sunday. “Obama, April 21: Social media censors don’t go far enough,” so the government needs to step in to get the job done. Six days later, internal security was introduced by the “Ministry of Truth” (also known as the Disinformation Management Council). “


Gabard, a Democrat, cited Obama’s speech at Stanford University last week, where he said technology companies were having difficulty moderating content themselves and called for more oversight.

“Now the good news is that almost all major technology platforms are already recognizing some responsibility for the content of their platforms and investing in a large team of people to monitor it,” Obama said in a speech. “Given the large amount of content, this strategy can feel like a Whac-A-Mole game.”

Obama said he believed company employees were “sincere” in their attempts to moderate violent content and hate speech, but said more needed to be done to help companies limit such publications.

Former President Barack Obama (Getty Images)

“But while content moderation can limit the spread of obviously dangerous content, it doesn’t go far enough,” Obama said.

Obama’s comments came after the Biden administration set up a Disinformation Management Council to be run by the Department of Homeland Security to fight disinformation online.

“The goal is to pool the resources of (DHS) to deal with this threat,” Interior Minister Alejandro Mayorkas told the House Security Representatives’ subcommittee on Wednesday.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mallorca (AP Photo / Jose Luis Magana)


Mallorca added that the board would be strongly focused on curbing the spread of misinformation ahead of the 2022 by-elections, but critics expressed concerns about the consequences of freedom of speech on board.

“The federal government has no business creating a Ministry of Truth,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., Said last week, using the same nickname for the board as Gabard. “The Homeland Security Disinformation Council is unconstitutional and un-American, and I will present a bill to make it free.