
Kim Kardashian, Pete Davidson make their debut on the red carpet

It’s official.

The two began dating in October 2021, as soon as Kim was the host SNL. They even kissed for the first time in public in the Aladdin-Jasmine sketch on the show:

Forward to 2022. IGD, also known as Instagram, recently debuted worldwide:

And now they are taking the natural next step as a Hollywood couple – debuting on the red carpet.

This is true! Last night, at a dinner of White House correspondents in 2022, the two went out as a couple on the red carpet. Kim wore a shiny Balenciaga dress and Pete wore a black Prada suit with Vans.

Paul Morigi / Getty Images

Pete also shook his mustache on the handlebars and appeared to have received a spray tan, probably on Kim’s advice.

Paul Morigi / Getty Images

Honestly, even if you’re not a fan (I), you have to admit – they look great.

Paul Morigi / Getty Images

And they look happy!

Paul Morigi / Getty Images

I wish these two love birds another million years of happiness and money on the red carpet. Bye!

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