
Ontario Liberals promise to reduce all transit tickets to $ 1 by 2024

Ontario Liberals say they will cut transit fees to $ 1 per country trip by 2024 if elected in June.

The plan will apply to all municipal lines, as well as Go Transit and Ontario Northland, officials said

The cost of one trip will be reduced to $ 1, while monthly tickets will be around $ 40. Public transport will also be free for veterans.

In Toronto, it costs $ 3.25 per adult on a TTC trip, while the monthly ticket is $ 156.

The $ 1 price will be in effect until January 2024, the party said.

“Our plan will provide immediate relief to families within the first 100 days of their election by reducing the cost of transit to one dollar,” Liberal leader Stephen Del Duca said in a statement.

“According to our plan, someone who jumps on the GO train from Oakville to go to the Blue Jays game will save almost $ 20 from their return trip. And a traveler traveling from Whitby to Toronto will save more than $ 300 a month.

The party says the plan will cost about $ 710 million in 2022-2023 and about $ 1.1 billion in 2023-24. According to Gritz, the province will set aside the money to make up for lost revenue, ensuring municipalities do not be affected.

Del Duca has also promised to invest an additional $ 375 million in annual transit funding to support more bus routes, extended working hours and “more long-distance connections”.

It is unclear how the government will pay for this promise – Del Duca said his party will launch its fully paid platform in the next few days. It is also unclear whether transit tariffs will increase after 2024.

Speaking to reporters at the Metro Convention Center in Toronto on Monday morning, Del Duca did not confirm whether transit consumers would see an increase in tariffs after that deadline. Instead, he said he would work with municipal partners to take into account passenger information before making a final decision.

“We want the number of travelers to increase. It’s good for the environment, it’s good for people’s quality of life. It’s good for the economy,” he said.

Gritz also says their plan will take an average of 400,000 cars off the road each day, a figure Del Duca said would be explained once its platform is launched.

The buck-a-ride promise is ominously similar to the promise of progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford for 2018, which reduced the minimum price of a bottle or can of beer to $ 1. Discounted breweries would get top-notch seats on the Ontario store’s alcohol control board in addition to other non-financial incentives.

Ford’s dollar-and-beer plan failed a few months later, but Del Duca said the money trip would not break a promise.

Meanwhile, NDP leader Andrea Horvat said that while life should be more accessible, the Liberals had 15 years to do so before being ousted from the RS.

“After 15 years, we liberals have seen real disappointment with the promises they make when running for office, compared to what happens when they are in government,” she said.

Del Duca, a former transport minister in Kathleen Winn’s government, denied questioning by reporters who asked if he was also responsible for the sharp rise in tariffs, blaming the ruling Ontario government for the high cost of living in Ontario. in the last four years. .