However, forecasts for the peak vary and the shower is still to be seen in the hours before dawn on May 4, 5 and 6, 2022, according to EarthSky. Eta Aquariids, named after the constellation Aquarius, originate from the debris of Halley. The comet, the well-known comet that is seen from Earth every 76 years, according to NASA. The last time the comet was spotted in our skies was in 1986 and will not reappear until 2061. While these aquariums are visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, they are best seen in the Southern Hemisphere. where meteors will rise highest in the night sky, according to NASA. In the northern hemisphere, meteors will look lower in the sky as “earthlings”, which means they will exceed the Earth’s horizon, according to NASA. These aquariums are known to travel fast, which can reach speeds of 148,000 miles per hour, according to NASA. The meteors will produce glowing “trains” that remain in the sky for a few seconds after the meteor has soared into the sky.
The shower will remain active until May 27.
More meteor showers to see
Delta Aquariums are best seen in the southern tropics and will peak between July 28 and 29, when the moon is 74% full.
Interestingly, on the same night the peak of another meteor shower reaches the peak – Alpha Kozikornids. Although it is a much weaker shower, it is known to produce several bright fireballs during its peak. It will be visible to all, regardless of which side of the equator they are located.
The most popular Perseid meteor shower of the year will peak between August 11 and 12 in the Northern Hemisphere, when the moon is only 13% full.
Here is the graph of the meteor shower for the rest of the year, according to EarthSky’s forecast for the meteor shower.
- October 8: Draconids
- October 21: Orionids
- November 4 to 5: Southern Taurids
- November 11 to 12: Northern Tauris
- November 17: Leonids
- December 13-14: Geminids
- December 22: Ursidi
Full moon in 2021
There are eight more full moons in 2022, two of which qualify as supermoons.
Definitions of a supermoon may vary, but the term usually means a full moon that is brighter and closer to Earth than normal, and thus appears larger in the night sky.
Some astronomers say the phenomenon occurs when the moon is within 90% of perigee – the closest it gets to Earth in orbit. By this definition, the full moon in June, as well as that in July, will be considered supermoon events.
Here is a list of the other moons this year, according to the Farmer’s Almanac:
- September 10: Harvest moon
Solar and lunar eclipses
A partial solar eclipse on October 25 will be visible to residents of Greenland, Iceland, Europe, Northeast Africa, the Middle East, West Asia, India and West China. The first was on April 30.
Partial solar eclipses occur when the moon passes in front of the sun, but blocks only part of its light. Be sure to wear suitable sunglasses to safely watch solar eclipses, as sunlight can be harmful to the eye.
There will also be two total lunar eclipses in 2022.
The total lunar eclipse will be visible to those in Europe, Africa, South America and North America (excluding those in the northwestern regions) between 21:31 ET on May 15 and 2:52 ET on May 16.
Another total lunar eclipse will also be shown for those in Asia, Australia, the Pacific, South America and North America on November 8 between 3:01 AM ET and 8:58 AM ET – but the moon will set for those in the eastern North America.
A lunar eclipse can only occur during a full moon, when the sun, earth and moon align and the moon passes into the earth’s shadow. The earth casts two shadows on the moon during an eclipse. The penumbra is the partial outer shadow, and the timbre is the full, dark shadow.
When the full moon moves into the shadow of the Earth, it darkens, but will not disappear. Sunlight passing through the Earth’s atmosphere illuminates the moon in a dramatic way, turning it red – which is why this event is often called the “bloody moon”.
Depending on the weather in your area, the moon may appear rusty, brick, or blood red.
This variability of colors occurs because blue light undergoes greater atmospheric scattering, so red light will be the most dominant color, highlighted when sunlight passes through our atmosphere and throws it on the moon.
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