
Wayne Gretsky’s rookie card, stolen seven years ago, returned to its rightful owner, West Kelowna News

Photo: Kelowna RCMP

Const. Mike Della-Poalera returns the card to Ian Moore

Ian Moore probably didn’t think he would ever see his valuable possession again – Wayne Gretzky’s 1979 rookie card.

The card was stolen along with other vintage hockey cards and other items seven years ago as a result of a break-in and entry into a Byland Road business and property.

Police say the investigation has ultimately frozen, with no additional investigation options available.

Four years later, in 2019, the RCMP in Kelowna arrested a man and a woman in what they described as a “suspicious vehicle” in the Boyce Crescent area.

Numerous items, including a 1979 Gretzky rookie card, were among the items found in the vehicle that were believed to have been stolen.

In a press release, police said officers working in the Kelowna Squad showroom came across the map last month while disposing of property seized during the 2019 investigation.

“They did some research on the card and realized its potential value, bringing it to the attention of employees,” the statement said.

While the average range of Gretzky rookie care is in the $ 30,000 range, two such Gem Mint 10 cards have sold for more than $ 1 million, including one that was up for $ 3.75 million at auction last year.

“When I learned that there was a vintage hockey card in the exhibits, I immediately remembered the 2015 investigation,” Const said. Rick Goodwin of the Kelowna RCMP Task Force.

“I dug up the details of the old file and was able to track down Mr. Moore. I was surprised to learn that he still has my old business card, which I gave him years ago.

Moore was able to identify the map even before he saw it, according to Goodwin.

He took the card last Tuesday.

“I am very impressed with Const’s efforts. Goodwin, the work he did in this investigation and how he remembered the theft of my hockey cards after so many years, ”says Moore.

“I am grateful for all the hard work I put into getting my card back.”