WASHINGTON – Dozens of protesters took to the Supreme Court on Tuesday after a draft opinion overturned announcing Rowe’s remarkable ruling against Wade. Armed with megaphones, signs, buttons, and at least a high-speed press to quickly make posters, groups supporting and opposing abortion rights demonstrated and occasionally confronted each other in front of the barricaded court.
“Pro-choice is a lie, babies don’t choose to die,” chanted a crowd of anti-abortion activists.
“It forbids our bodies” and “my body, my choice”, their colleagues replied.
The size of the crowd gradually increases during the day. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, gave a short speech condemning the “extremist Supreme Court.”
The New York Times spoke with several protesters. This is how they described the moment.
“I was surprised by the nature of the decision, but I was not surprised by the content. “I think what we’re seeing is 50 years of religious overload by Catholic bishops in the U.S. government, in the Supreme Court, in Congress, and last night we happened to see it in the Supreme Court,” said Ashley Wilson, 32, director of communications for Catholics. to choose from.
Understand Roe’s challenge against Wade
The forthcoming Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson case, the Women’s Health Organization, may be the biggest consequence of women’s access to abortion since 1973.
“When we landed in DCA, we turned on our phones, saw the news of the Supreme Court’s expiration and, you know, a number of emotions. As soon as we succeeded, we joined our colleagues and friends and booked him to come to the party last night and, of course, slept for about three hours and came back here in the morning, “said Robert Byard, 29, a Pro-Life San Francisco activist.
May 3, 2022, 6:32 pm ET
He added: “Supporting democracy means recognizing the voice of the people in every country, and supporting every valid concept of human rights means recognizing every person, every member of the human race. You can’t reject some people just because they’re smaller, less mature. “
“The Supreme Court is out of line, trying to overturn a number of decisions, Casey v. Planned parenting and Rowe v. Wade. But legislators also need to step up here, because we had the chance to pass a federal law that would protect reproductive choice, and it was stagnant. So I really hope this motivates the legislature before the midterm elections, “said Izzy Rowland, 19, a student in Washington, D.C. She continued: “And of course, you have to make the whips come in and get the party in shape. And it shouldn’t be a guerrilla issue, but that’s how it’s broken. “
“I was upset about the leak. And I think this is the same institution that I felt could stay away from its policies. So I think I was really disappointed to see who leaked it. I think it was a personal thing to let him go because they thought he could influence the decision. So I think that was wrong. And then my second was, you know, we have to get this done, “said Kristen Day, 53, executive director of Democrats for Life of America.
“I think women are great,” she added. “We can have a baby, have a job and go to school, and we can do all these things. So let’s not tell them when they can’t. And I have a feeling that with abortion, they will sometimes say that you can’t do any of these things – unless you have an abortion and that somehow a child will stop you. I just don’t believe it. “
“Having the right to your own body is so implicit in all the other things we are fighting for that if we ban abortion, then we effectively control people of color, especially trans people – I don’t want to leave anyone outside of this debate.” but freedom is just to exist, ”said Nat McGartland, 27, a student at the University of Maryland.
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