The speaker called for respect
Canadian Press – May 6, 2022 / 6:20 p.m. History: 368165
Photo: The Canadian Press
Conservative MP Chris D’Entremon.
The deputy speaker of the House of Commons says he heard non-parliamentary language from both the opposition and government benches during Wednesday’s debate, but could not hear whether the prime minister was swearing.
Conservative lawmakers accused Justin Trudeau of dropping an F-bomb during a particularly unruly period of questioning that repeatedly turned into inconsistent shouts from members across the room.
Opposition leader John Brasard called for a review of the recordings, later telling reporters that about a dozen of his colleagues on the front benches had heard Trudeau throw them obscenely.
Chris d’Entremon reported to the House that he had listened to the recordings of the question period, but despite all the noise in the hall, he was unable to determine what might be said.
D’Entremon said none of the non-parliamentary remarks he heard should have been made, and called on his colleagues to avoid disrespectful comments and to abide by the rules of debate and decency.
He added that if members felt “their blood pressure was a little high, it was a wonderful day outside” and urged them to “go for a walk”.
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