
Police are still searching for a man believed to have violated the conditions of release – West Kelowna News

Photo: RCMP

UPDATE: 2:15 p.m.

Witnesses who spotted the search on Saturday provided an updated description of him.

cap. Tammy Lobb of the RCMP in Kelowna says the man was seen on Saturday in dark trousers, a dark long-sleeved top and a black-and-white backpack.

Although the RCMP has not identified the man, as he has not yet been charged, they describe him as a tall, thin man with blond hair.

Police did not disclose what the suspect was originally arrested for, but they believe he violated court-ordered conditions of release. Officers have been searching for him since Thursday.


Police in West Kelowna continue to search for a man wanted for violating court conditions.

The West Kelowna RCMP used police dogs in the Gellatly Road area of ​​West Kelowna on Saturday while searching for the same man they were looking for on Thursday.

cap. Tammy Lobb of the RCMP in Kelowna said the man had previously been arrested in a criminal case but had been released on a number of conditions. As the Crown has not yet indicted on the matter, Capt. Lob says she is unable to reveal the man’s identity.

“The officers were looking for an arrest warrant, but I don’t have up-to-date information at the moment … so I can’t confirm his name until charges are brought.” Said Lob.

cap. Lobb did not disclose the type of incident for which the man was originally arrested or when the arrest occurred, but police said he may have violated his terms Thursday afternoon. It is also not clear what court-imposed condition he allegedly violated.

“He was released on terms imposed by the court, and the report we received a few days ago was that he had violated those conditions,” said Corporal Lobb.

Police used a helicopter and police dogs to find the man, but so far they have come empty-handed.

She says they have received several reports of seeing the suspect since Thursday.

“There was a heavy police presence in the Gellatly Road area this morning, while front-line officers, along with police dog services, were actively searching for the man,” she said.

As of Saturday afternoon, the man remains a llama.