It cost Chris Polis about $ 60 to fill his gas tank. He dumped more than $ 105 on Saturday.
“It will be difficult to swallow,” Polis said as he pumped gas at the Costco station in Nepian.
Polis lives in Almonte, Ont., And takes a 40-minute drive to Ottawa almost every day. Driving is the only way to get to the city, he said.
“That’s why I bought a hybrid – to reduce the price of gasoline,” he said, sighing.
Gas prices hovered around $ 1.92 to $ 1.95 in Ottawa on Saturday, but according to Gas Wizard, a site that tracks prices in Canada, they are expected to jump four cents a liter to just two dollars. per liter on Sunday.
Vehicles are lined up on Saturday in Ottawa Costco amid another increase in the price of gas. (CBC News)
These high prices have led some motorists such as Prahasith Kondra to refuse to fill their gas tanks completely.
Condra told CBC News that he had invested only $ 13 on Saturday.
“I can’t afford these prices,” he said, adding that he would only use his car occasionally – for example, when he has to drive longer distances.
“If it is empty, I will travel by public transport,” he added.
The end is not in sight
Drivers are likely to experience even more pain in the pumps in the coming weeks, said Dan McTeague, president of Canadians for Affordable Energy.
“It will hurt. It’s going to be painful and it’s probably not going to end, “McTeague said.
“[Prices are] will probably increase by another 10 cents per liter between now and the weekend of May 24. “
Gas prices have risen rapidly in the last year, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine exacerbated the trend. Last May, the average gas price in Canada was $ 1.32.
Dan McTeague, president of Canadians for Affordable Energy, says consumers need to be prepared for fuel prices to continue to rise. (CBC News)
“On May 9, if [Russian president Vladimir] “Putin is using the national holiday there to say he’s tired, there’s no more war. I think that will reduce the pressure,” McTeague said.
But the main problem is supply and demand, McTeague said, adding that he sees no end to high gas prices.
“We will spend a lot more money,” he said. “It’s a direct blow to Canadians, especially middle- and lower-income earners.”
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