
Toronto police investigate Scarborough Liberal candidate’s vandalism

Toronto police have launched an investigation after a liberal candidate’s placard was vandalized with hate graffiti in Scarborough.

Impersonal signs belonging to Mitzi Hunter, who drives a Scarborough-Guildwood ride, were found in the Elsmeer and Markham area.

Police said they received signals for the signs shortly after 1 p.m., and members of the forensic team headed to the scene.

“The report on them was appalling and shocking and does not reflect our community here in Scarborough Guildwood,” Hunter told reporters Sunday.

“I was surprised by the extreme language used in words like Nazi and fascism. And then, in fact, you know, I really saw what I felt was disgusting that (the word) “blackface” was painted on one of the signs. “

Hunter said she and her team met with the signs after a concerned citizen told them. She later saw them on their way to a long-term care home to bring flowers to residents for Mother’s Day.

“I have been an MPP for nine years. This is my fourth election. And, you know, sometimes there is damage to a sign because people are very passionate about their views, but I’ve never had my signs depersonalized in this cowardly and disgusting way, “Hunter said.

She noted that at least 15 signs had been damaged.

Hunter said he would not allow the incident to deter her and would continue to campaign with a positive message.

“You will not stop us,” Hunter said when asked what her message was to those responsible for the vandalism.

“Your cowardly act under cover of night does not reflect the majority of the people who live in Scarborough, and we have a diverse and inclusive community. And we will continue to stay together and build our community, “she added.

Hunter was first selected as an MPP for riding in 2013.

Police are asking anyone who has information about the incident to contact them.