United states

Delaware State University, a historic black college, says the women’s lacrosse team was racially profiled during a traffic stop in Georgia

The team’s bus headed north on Interstate 95 in Liberty County on April 20 after a game in Florida when it was stopped “under the pretext of a minor traffic violation,” Delaware State University President Tony Allen said in a statement. Liberty County is on the coast of Georgia, south of Savannah.

During the stop, sheriff’s deputies used drug-smelling dogs to search student suitcases, Alan said.

The video, shot by players, shows “members of law enforcement trying to intimidate our student athletes into admitting to possession of drugs and / or drug paraphernalia,” Alan added, noting that nothing illegal had been found.

Liberty County Sheriff William Bowman said the bus was stopped for violating a state law that requires a bus or bus to run in both right-hand lanes unless the bus or bus prepares for a left turn or travels to or from HOV tape and eventually the driver was issued a warning.

The halt came as part of a “trade ban details,” Bowman, who is Black, told a news conference on Tuesday, adding that other commercial vehicles were stopped that day, including a bus in which “smuggling” was found.

One of the K-9s was part of the detail, and after the Delaware bus was stopped, it “signaled from the K-9,” which sparked demand, Bowman said.

“We didn’t know this suspension was accepted as racial profiling,” Bowman said. “While I do not believe that there has been racial profiling based on the information I have at the moment, I welcome our community’s feedback on how our law enforcement practices can be improved while maintaining the law.”

Second-year lacrosse player Sidney Anderson wrote about the meeting at Delaware State last week.

“Everyone was confused about why they were looking at luggage when there was no probable reason,” Anderson wrote.

“Team members were shocked to see police walking around in their bags. They took the K-9 dog to sniff their luggage. Cops began throwing underwear and other women’s products in an attempt to find drugs,” she said. said.

Deputies spent 20 minutes checking bags and said they were doing so “in case of child or drug trafficking,” Anderson said.

However, the sheriff said: “No personal belongings on the bus or people were searched.”

“Sniffing the K-9 from the outside of the vehicle is not a Fourth Amendment search … and is forcing us to ensure a search of the vehicle,” Bowman said Tuesday. “After boarding, lawmakers informed passengers that the search would be completed. This is the same protocol that is expected to be used regardless of the passenger’s race, gender, age or destination. “

Video shows MPs on the bus

A video shared by Delaware State University shows two white lawmakers standing in front of a bus and telling passengers they would search their luggage.

One MP can be heard saying: “If there is something in the luggage of all of you, we will probably find it – fine. I’m not looking for some marijuana, but I’m pretty sure you guys’ companions will probably be disappointed with you if we find any.

The officer continued, “So if there’s anything inside that’s suspicious, please tell me now. Because if we find it, guess what – we won’t be able to help you. You are in the state of Georgia; marijuana is still illegal. “

CNN was unable to confirm what happened before filming began or what happened after the recording stopped. CNN also asked for additional videos of the incident from the university and was told by the director of university news services, Carlos Holmes, that there was another video, but the quality was poor.

The deputies involved were not identified by the sheriff during the press conference.

“Before getting on the bus, the deputy did not know that this school was historically black, nor did he know about the passenger race due to the height of the vehicle and the tinted windows,” Bowman said on Tuesday.

“Most of all, we want feedback from Lacrosse passengers at the Delaware State University team on what communication approaches can be considered that we may simply not be aware of,” the sheriff said.

CNN turned to Delaware State University for comment after a press conference held by the Liberty County Sheriff.

Allen called the incident a “humiliating process” and said the university was “exploring defense options – legal and others – available to our student-athletes, our coaches and the university.”

“We do not intend to allow this or any similar incident to go unnoticed. We are ready to go wherever the evidence leads us. We have a video. We have allies. Perhaps more importantly, we have the courage of our beliefs,” he said in a statement. .

CNN’s Sharif Paget contributed to this report.