Travis Scott is among several defendants – including Live Nation, Scoremore Holdings, ASM Global – who are on trial by a woman who claims to have suffered such severe injuries at Astroworld that they led to a miscarriage.
Shanazia Williamson says she attended Astroworld in November and was trampled during a wave of crowds and suffered injuries to her shoulder, back, chest, legs, stomach and other parts of her body.
In a lawsuit filed by TMZ, Williamson said that “the unplanning, design, management, operation, staffing and oversight of the event was a direct and immediate cause of Shanazia’s injuries and the deaths of her and Jarawd (her partner) unborn child.”
Shanazia first filed a lawsuit for injuries she received during the Nov. 21 festival, which included “difficulty breathing, chest and left leg pain, and injuries to other parts of her body.”
In an amended complaint filed a month and a half after the tragedy, Shanazia filed a request for an unlawful death. Interestingly, Texas law states … a fruit that dies as a result of negligence may be the basis of a lawsuit for wrongful death. It doesn’t matter how far the mother was during her pregnancy. It may be a fruit that is not viable, but parents can still sue for wrongful death.
It is also interesting … in her amended complaint, Shanazia added the claim that she received abdominal injuries. BTW, the complaint does not say how far she was in her pregnancy.
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As you know … 10 people died as a result of injuries received in Astroworld. Travis and his team say they were unaware of the seriousness of what was happening in the crowd … others pointed to obvious security and safety gaps from event organizers.
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