United states

A California family finds five bears wintering in the crawl space under the home California

A California family spent the winter skipping strange sounds that sounded a bit like snoring, only to discover that five bears had spent the cold season hibernating under their house.

The Bear League group, which works to conserve bear habitat and help bears in distress largely around the Lake Tahoe Basin area in the state, told the family’s amazing episode last week.

In a Facebook post, the group described how a mother bear, along with three of her own cubs and an adopted orphan, decided to spend the winter crawling under a local house.

“It was a house where people lived and they thought they heard some strange rumble, snoring, but they ignored it because it just didn’t make sense, and the neighbors said they imagined it because they didn’t hear anything,” it said. in a Facebook post by Bear League.

It added: “The bear family woke up and prepared to leave, and the people in the house could no longer deny that there was probably a bear under the house.

Unnamed residents called the Bear League, which helped bring the bear family into the woods and make sure the human family in the house was safe.