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A group of activists threatens to “burn the Eucharist” in a show of “disgust” for Catholics: “Fanaticism”

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The Ruth selection group sent us a reference to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, threatening to burn the Eucharist in response to a Twitter user who offered to pray for them after calling for protests in Catholic churches and judges’ homes.

“Fill your rosaries and your weapons prayer. We will be outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We will burn the Eucharist to show our aversion to the abuses that Catholic churches have forgiven for centuries, “tweeted the organization, which Called for abortion advocates protesting in front of Catholic churches across the country over Mother’s Day weekend.

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and St. Peter’s Catholic Church, both on Capitol Hill, have called for an increased police presence amid fears protesters will try to disrupt Sunday morning services.

The tweet, which included an image of Jesus chasing money changers from the temple and a woman dressed in red from the Servant’s Tale, was in response to a user who said he would pray the rosary to protect the clergy. parishioners, police and “for safety and heart change” of abortion protesters.

Anti-abortion activists and church members clash with a non-Catholic election activist in downtown Manhattan on May 7, 2022 (Photo by Stephanie Keith / Getty Images)

The reaction to the latest tweet from Ruth sent us was extremely negative, with many Twitter users condemning it as “evil” or “demonic”.

New York church overwhelmed by abortion protesters: “I KILL BABIES”

“The abortion group is not only calling for justice to be brought to their homes in protest, but is also calling for ‘We will burn the Eucharist’ to protest the Catholic Church’s view of abortion as a sin,” wrote Fox News legal analyst Jonathan. Turley. “It’s a liberating solution to rage.

“Promises to burn the Eucharist”? Fighting words. This is NOT a peaceful protest, “wrote NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham.


“The Catholic Church is the moral foundation of the West. Nowhere in the history of mankind have women achieved greater equality than in the West,” wrote journalist David Marcus. “It’s not a coincidence.”

“Let’s put fanaticism and idiocy aside, how does this help their cause? How many supporters do you gain compared to how many do you lose?” asked author Jonah Goldberg. “[Its] self-indulgence is what amazes me. “

“This is pure evil and not surprising to those who treat abortion as communion,” said journalist Alexandra De Sanctis Mar.

“I’m really sad about this crap,” wrote commentator Liz Wheeler. “Although they blaspheme Christ, one day they will go to hell and realize that the eternal curse is very real. And it makes me sad to think of someone who misses eternity with Christ.

“And we will pray for all of you. Even when you kill a child, you are his mother forever and this is your day. These truths are inevitable. Happy Mother’s Day,” wrote Matt Schlap. “I’ll see you at church today.”

Ruth sent us no immediate response to a request for comment.

Abortion rights activists gather in front of a Catholic church in downtown Manhattan to express their support for a woman’s right to vote on May 7, 2022 in New York. (Photo by Stephanie Keith / Getty Images)


The Metropolitan Police in Washington, DC, told Fox News Digital that it was “aware of the potential disruptions to the First Amendment demonstrations.”

“MPD will monitor, evaluate and plan with our local and federal partners, respectively. We have increased available resources, including the activation of our civil unrest units, in preparation for these activities,” they said in a statement.