
A woman who went missing in 2020 has been found dead near a long-empty home

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Chelsea Purman disappeared in September 2020, last seen by a family member two days earlier in downtown Vancouver.

Publication date:

May 6, 2022 • 7 hours ago • 1 minute reading • 7 comments A woman who went missing in 2020 was found dead in front of a long-empty home in Vancouver’s Shawnee neighborhood. Chelsea Purman was 24 and was last seen in September 2020. She is pictured in this distributed photo by Vancouver police. Photo by HANDOUT / VANCOUVER POLICE / PNG

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A woman reported missing in 2020 has been found dead in front of a long-empty home in Vancouver’s Shonessy neighborhood.

Content of the article

Chelsea Purman disappeared in September 2020. She was last seen by a family member two days earlier in downtown Vancouver.

The police investigation remained active until last month, when a contractor found human remains outside an empty home near Granville Street and West 37th Avenue.

“This is not the result that someone wanted. “We have always hoped that Chelsea will be found alive and our sympathies are with everyone who knows Chelsea, loves her and hoped that she will return home safely,” said the sergeant. Steve Addison.

The medical examiner was brought in to investigate the death and the agency’s finding was recently sent to the RCMP.

Police said Purman appeared to have died at the property the night she disappeared, or a little later. Death is not considered suspicious.

Since the house has been empty for years, Purman’s body has gone unnoticed.

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