
Airport Delays: A former Vancouver inspector speaks

A former security official who worked at Vancouver International Airport says she left her job four years ago due to poor working conditions and low pay.

Shuchi Shah was hired by Allied Universal Security, a U.S. company contracted by the Canadian Air Security Authority (CATSA) to conduct security checks at airports in British Columbia and the Yukon.

She says many of her former colleagues have also recently left or simply not returned to the company after being pulled out of the layoffs because of COVID-19.

“Think about it. We are so exhausted. We work so hard. We don’t get enough support from our leadership,” Shah said. “We don’t get paid enough. Every inspector is just tired.”

She left her job in April, although there was no other.

CATSA said it was aware that AUS had problems recruiting and retaining staff, leading to a shortage of staff, which led to long security queues at the YVR – prompting the airport and airlines to encourage passengers to arrive as early as possible. to avoid the possibility of missing flights.

In recent days, at various times, lines leading to checkpoints have been winding through airport terminals, with some passengers reporting a wait of up to three hours.

According to the International Association of Drivers and Aerospace Workers, which represents security checkers on the front lines of Canadian airports, there are enough staff available every day to open five of the 14 security lanes in the YVR’s internal departure area.

“Our members have been asked to do more with less. They cope with very challenging conditions and continue to do their job with a high degree of diligence, but at the end of the day they just can’t handle the amount of work, “said Dave Flowers, president of Local 2323.

AUS employees at YVR, who are paid just over $ 22 an hour, have also been working without a contract since November, but the union said it has not affected staff levels.

Flowers called on CATSA to take a more active role in ensuring that AUS complies with its security clearance agreement at the level expected by Canadian traveling audiences.

“What is the decision to detain people?” “I think it comes down to the basic respect of the employees,” he said. “We want to call on CATSA and Transport Canada to hold these contractors accountable.

In an e-mail statement to CTV News, AUS did not answer questions about working conditions and the current state of collective bargaining.

“Like businesses around the world, the Allied Universal team is facing staffing challenges as the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant disruption to labor markets,” the statement said.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for verifying that they maintain the safety of travelers. We are also grateful for the patience and understanding of the passengers as they pass the security. ”

CATSA said it trusted its screening contractors to negotiate employment agreements in good faith.

“We continue to work with our contractor, Allied Universal, to ensure that security clearance operations at Vancouver International Airport are as efficient and effective as possible,” a statement from CATSA said.

At this point, these efforts may not be obvious to passengers facing long waits to clear security as they pass through the YVR.