I never thought I’d write about my baby’s Fisher-Price gamepad again, but here it is: the moderator has turned a cheap toy full of ringtones into a full Xbox gamepad with everything you need to play Elden Ring . And amazingly, he did it without losing any of the built-in sound effects of Fisher-Price Game & Learn Controller – which means you can now pair your Malenia run with such classic children’s hits as “1, 2, 3, 4 , the result goes up! ” and “Orange, Purple, White and Pink, Green, Red and Blue, woohoo!”
here’s the Fisher Price Xbox controller in action!
tell me what games you would like to see me play with it
and thanks to @ Wario64 for the joke that inspired me to do this pic.twitter.com/3OETvcsEsI
– Rudeism (@rudeism) May 1, 2022
This may not be surprising if you’ve heard the name Dylan “Rudeism” Beck before, because it’s actually one of the less ambitious stunts of the controller that the New Zealander and Twitch streamer has pulled out – he’s the man who beat Dark Souls 3 with a one-button Morse Code Controller, built a motion-controlled lightsaber and power glove for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and set up your own valves, rocking, and signal controls for Untitled Goose Game. You can see them all in the tweets below:
Dark Souls 3 is defeated with Morse code!
19 bosses, 258,250 button presses. (DLC coming)
And just because it can be defeated with one button doesn’t mean that games like Dark Souls shouldn’t have accessibility and difficulty options! pic.twitter.com/DporRqC15E
– Rudeism (@rudeism) October 24, 2021
But Rudeism tells The Verge that the new Fisher-Price mod is one of his favorite designs, “just because of how clean it looks.” After some confusion, he managed to cram an entire clone of Arduino Pro Micro, a two-axis joystick (since the original Fisher-Price joystick was really just a button) and a few microswitches to turn the click of the original but non-electric “knobs” for the shoulders ”in real buttons.
All of Fisher-Price’s original buttons still work – right down to Konami Code’s Easter egg – because he set up the Arduino to remove their inputs by soldering directly to the existing board. So yes, he largely plays games with the actual Fisher-Price gamepad, not just uses the Fisher-Price gamepad as a shell. However, you have to turn it on: “Unfortunately, there’s not much room for batteries,” he says, as the Arduino occupies this room.
How does it extract every Xbox button from these limited controls, you may ask? Well, you can’t get them all at once. But it has made the Fisher-Price slider a mode selector that can allow you to have a left or right analog stick at any time, as well as access to the Start, Select and Guide buttons on A, B and C. they can be both bumpers and triggers by themselves, because they will press a different switch depending on whether you swing them left or right.
Rudeism says it was a two-week loss-making project and started as a joke: Warrio64 tweeter tweeted that the gamepad would be “perfect for the Elden Ring” and decided to test it. Unfortunately, there are still no footage of the rudeness that destroys bosses with the baby gamepad, but he says he plans to beat the whole game this way (he’s also working on a YouTube building video if you want to try it too). The total budget was $ 20, including the controller itself – but certainly not the old 3D printer he used to make montages to keep the joystick and position switches.
I don’t know if I will build one of them with the pad of my two-year-old child, but I’m glad to see this piece of plastic and schemes in the titles again.
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