
Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olson push you through Marvel’s first step into horror

The wait for Sam Raimi’s “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is finally over, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olson, Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams and newcomer Xochitl Gomez, who is described as “the first madman” the horrors of Marvel, but the end product may make you want more of these tempting descriptors.

Strange’s ultimate goal in Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is to protect America Chavez (Gomez), a teenager who can travel across universes, with someone on a hunt to steal her power, which she has not yet mastered.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange in Marvel Studios’ DOCTOR STRANGE IN A MULTI UNIVERSE OF MADNESS. (Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios)

“He’s quite unusual, he’s quite an outsider, he doesn’t make you a leader right away, despite his MCU fame at the moment, and that makes him really interesting and controversial, I think, as a hero,” Cumberbatch told reporters before the premiere. of the film.

“I think we see in this film a repetition of someone we’ve seen very omnipotent, very creative and somehow ubiquitous, … and yet we haven’t really figured out what the price is, what it is that feeds him as a person, but also in this mysterious realm of magic and sorcery. So it’s about exploring this and finding its flaws, its shortcomings, its humanity, as well as its strengths, and renewing our understanding of it and deepening our understanding of it. “

Elizabeth Olson as Wanda Maximoff in “DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTI UNIVERSE OF MADNESS” by Marvel Studios (Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios)

Elizabeth Olson steals the screen

Cumberbatch does a fantastic job of portraying Strange’s nuances, and while he’s largely the protagonist, there are certainly times when Olson’s performance as The Scarlet Witch is so captivating, it would seem reasonable for the film’s title to focus on her character. .

I feel as if in previous films before WandaVision, I took a path of storytelling that was more based on sincerity, love, loss, grief, and with WandaVision I had to become like anything and everything and really grow into a woman. and it makes her accept that she is this mythical woman and that is her destiny, ”Olson said.

The story continues

“I hope that in this film, people see this continuation of her acceptance of who she is and the journey she has taken to get to this point. I feel like she has a lot more clarity now than ever in this movie. ”

If you’ve been so obsessed with Olson’s dynamic and multi-layered performance in the WandaVision series, stay comfortable, because Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is simply improving it while leaning against evil.

Left: Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Stephen Strange as Marvel Studios’ DOCTOR STRONG IN THE MULTI UNIVERSE OF MADNESS (Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios)

“They put their finger in the world of horrors”

Sam Raimi told reporters he was “excited” to direct Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, especially when Kevin Fagi, producer and president of Marvel Studios, announced that Marvel would be, as Raimi described it, “putting your finger in the world.” out of horror. ”

“I managed to take those horror movies I made in my youth, and what I learned from them, building tense series, exciting the audience,… those things that I managed to apply to the ghost series in this film.”

“Putting Your Finger in the Horror World” is certainly a more accurate description than calling it a horror movie without a quantitative indicator. There are certainly some bloody and even sinister elements, including haunted houses and eyeball-related shocks, which may be the perfect amount of horror for some (given the PR rating), but if you can handle a little more fear Entering this film with the thought that it will be significantly placed in the horror genre will make you disappointed.

Visually, this is exceptional, Marvel is truly unsurpassed in creating these incredibly detailed worlds. Combined with an incredibly complex and captivating result, this is a significant part of what drives you to a story that unfolds quite quickly, with Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness missing some of the mystery and suspense we’re used to seeing.