President Biden, anticipating the cornerstone of the one million American lives lost to Covid-19, said in an official statement Thursday that the United States must remain committed to fighting the virus, which “changed” the country forever.
“We need to stay vigilant against this pandemic and do everything we can to save as many lives as possible, as we have done with more tests, vaccines and treatments than ever before,” he said. “It is critical that Congress maintain these resources in the coming months.”
The statement came hours before Mr. Biden convened his second Covid-19 summit to bring new urgency to the global coronavirus response. At the summit, both Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who represented the United States in the opening session with world leaders, used the gathering to mark the upcoming stage.
Mr Biden will also issue a proclamation Thursday ordering White House flags and all federal buildings to be waved in half by next Monday to mark one million deaths.
As of Wednesday, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 995,000 coronavirus deaths in the United States; a New York Times database puts the figure at more than 997,000. But with the presence of heads of state, philanthropic leaders and drug manufacturers at the virtual meeting, Mr Biden was ready to mark the moment.
In the third year of the pandemic, Covid-19 became the third leading cause of death among Americans, after only heart disease and cancer. His sacrifices extend deep into the lives of families in the United States. Approximately 250,000 children have lost parents or caregivers to Covid-19; nearly 200,000 of them have lost one or both parents.
The pandemic also determined Biden’s presidency. Mr Biden took office, promising to defeat Covid-19, but hopes of achieving “herd immunity” through a combination of vaccination and exposure gave way to the harsh realization that vaccine defenses could be weakened and that new options make re-infection greater. Common. Political divisions have thwarted mandates for masks and vaccines.
Thursday’s meeting was an effort by the president to bring Covid-19 back to the radar screen, both in the United States and around the world. The White House has asked Congress for $ 22.5 billion for new emergency coronavirus aid, but the request has stalled on Capitol Hill, as has a $ 10 billion compromise offer.
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