Fox Searchlight told the film’s crew in an email last month that the film was stopped due to an unspecified complaint, but did not confirm Murray’s involvement, Deadline reported for the first time on April 20. On Saturday, Murray attended the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting in Omaha, Nebraska. The actor, who is a shareholder, told CNBC that he had “differences of opinion” with a woman on the set of “Being Mortal.” But Murray said he was optimistic that he and the woman he did not name could “make peace.”
“We had different opinions; I had different opinions with the woman I work with. I did something I thought was funny and it wasn’t perceived that way,” Murray said. “The company, the film studio, wanted to do the right thing. So, they wanted to check everything and investigate it, so they stopped production. But at the moment we are talking and trying to reconcile with each other. “
The nature of the complaint is not public, but Murray said he thought a lot about what happened and it was “quite an education” for him, according to an interview with CNBC.
“You know, what I’ve always thought was funny as a kid isn’t necessarily the same as what’s funny now. Things are changing and times are changing, so it’s important for me to understand that,” Murray said. “I think the most important thing is that it’s best for the other person. I thought about it and that it’s not best for the other person, it doesn’t matter what happens to me. And that gave me a lot of comfort and relaxation, because your brain doesn’t work well when you’re in the unknown, when you think, “Well, how can I be like that … how can I get it wrong? How can I be so inaccurate and so insensitive “when you think you are sensitive to some sensitivity you have had for a long time.”
The actor also told CNBC that he hopes to resolve his differences with the woman and resume production of “Being Mortal”.
“What would make me happiest would be to put on my boots and both of us to go back to work and be able to trust each other and work in the job we both spent a lot of time developing our skills on. Murray told CNBC. “And let’s hope to do something that’s good not only for the two of us, but for a whole team of people who are film producers, as well as for the film studio.”
The film, starring Bill Murray, Seth Rogen and Keke Palmer and directed by Aziz Ansari, is based on Atul Gawande’s non-fiction book Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Ansari wrote the screenplay and was also expected to play a role in the film.
Searchlight Pictures did not respond to numerous requests from CNN for comment.
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