Some Nestlé employees in Ukraine have left because of the company’s business in Russia, Reuters reported. An executive director said in an internal email...
Category - World News
The Pittsburgh Public Safety Department did not say how they died. “There are also several injuries from people who escaped the fire,” the...
10:39 AM BST 10:39 AM The Ukrainian president said the situation in Mariupol was “inhumane” and called on allies to provide heavy weapons to save...
Amid disagreements between Twitter and Musk, popular mobile developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi noticed the “edit” button on the...
(Montréal) Les contribuables n’ont plus que deux semaines pour produire leur déclaration de revenus. Selon l’Agence du revenu du Canada, plus de 13...
17.04.2022 11:35 Uhr (Akt. 17.04.2022 11:35 Uhr) Die Polizei hat am späten Samstagabend eine illegale Pokerrunde in einer Ferienwohnung in Wien-Donaustadt...
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nechamer – the only EU leader to meet with Vladimir Putin since the invasion of Ukraine – said the Russian president...
3:40 AM ET Kendra AndrewsESPN SAN FRANCISCO – The Golden State Warriors have a long history of small ball squads. During the first championship of their...
Twelve years ago, Jeff Bux, then CEO of Time Warner, compared Netflix to the Albanian military. “It’s a bit like the Albanian army is going to take...
Anthony Manta did not have a chance to play in Montreal this season due to a shoulder injury that left him out of the Washington Capitals for four months...