Coronavirus infections have fallen slightly in most of the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics, although experts analyzing the data say it is...
Category - World News
A new study suggests that the transmission of COVID-19 in the household may be more than 50 percent and that children play an “important” role in...
Désolé, votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge les vidéos (Paris) Emmanuel Macron a justifié jeudi sa décision de ne pas utiliser le mot génocide contre...
Dies ist nicht das erste Mal, dass die Maskenpflicht in einigen Bereichen gesunken ist – und wohl auch nicht das letzte Mal. Am Samstag werde er wieder...
The Russian embassy in Washington has a facade that is mostly large, flat and white. This is a design that, albeit accidentally, gives the building a certain...
Federal agencies unveiled large-scale plans Thursday as part of the Biden administration’s nationwide efforts to ensure that racial minorities and other...
The Teachers’ Union has formed a partnership with education experts to “critically question” the government’s plans for a model history...
With hundreds of thousands of cases, Newfoundland and Labrador are close to the top of their current COVID wave, according to the province’s chief...
Selon un militant de la jeunesse de la Marine, Antoine Baudino l’a frappé sévèrement à la tête au point de le blesser alors qu’il assistait à une...
In der Ukraine bereitete sich das russische Militär am Donnerstag offenbar weiter auf die erwartete Großoffensive im Osten des Landes vor. Verschiedene Quellen...