Incident de campagne ? Une vidéo diffusée ce jeudi matin par un journaliste de Valeurs Actuelles montre un jeune homme traîné au sol sur plusieurs dizaines de...
Category - World News
Stand: 14.04.2022 14:10 Trotz Rekordinflation hat die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ihren Leitzins bei null gehalten. Die EZB bestätigte auch ihren Zeitplan...
In the days following Russia’s withdrawal from the outskirts of Kyiv, a driver named Oleg Naumenko opened the trunk of an abandoned car and it exploded...
Ukrainian authorities said Thursday that the country’s military has deployed its local anti-ship rocket, called Neptune, in an attack on Russia’s...
South Africa is preparing for heavier rainfall in areas affected by massive and deadly rainfall earlier this week. More than 300 people have died in floods in...
Google’s iOS Switch to Android app helps you get out of Apple’s Macworld The hidden Google Switch To Android iOS app helps you switch from iPhone...
Informations à retenir à midi Des explosions ont mis le feu au croiseur russe Moscou, navire amiral de la flotte russe de la mer Noire. L’Ukraine prétend...
Motorola bereitet sich darauf vor, in den kommenden Tagen eine Reihe neuer Telefone auf den Markt zu bringen. Die Marke bereitet die Einführung einiger Moto G...
In this February 13 file, Ukrainian soldiers launch a Javelin missile provided by the US military during an exercise in Ukraine. (EyePress / Shutterstock News)...
PHOTOS, VIDEO: Tornado, storm clouds, damage in the Louisville area WLKY Louisville A tree landed on the roof in the Louisville neighborhood against the...