Twitter said on Friday that its board of directors had unanimously agreed to defend the “poison pill” in response to a proposal by Tesla CEO Elon...
Category - World News
Un timbre montrant un soldat ukrainien faisant un doigt d’honneur à “Moscou”, un vaisseau amiral russe qui a coulé jeudi en mer Noire...
Ganz Hollywood war geschockt, als die Familie von Bruce Willis, 67, seinen Rückzug aus dem Filmgeschäft ankündigte. Er leidet an Aphasie, daher fällt es ihm...
The openness of Donbass, where clear fronts are expected to form in a more conventional battle outside the cities, will provide an almost perfect arena for...
Substitute while the actions of the article are loading Disease tracking tools are monitoring the spread of new, highly transmissible versions of the omicron...
Three teenagers were stabbed in South London this afternoon, and police believe one may be in serious condition. A battle broke out on the Goldcrest Way in New...
The huge line-ups at the Peace Arch border crossing have made drivers increasingly frustrated, with some social media users reporting a wait of up to five...
Un magistrat du Conseil constitutionnel, qui effectuait une visite de contrôle au bureau de vote, a constaté des “irrégularités”. C’est...
„Die Cobra-Affäre“ erwischte den Bad Erlacher KURIER Cobra, Ermittlungen – Die ÖVP kämpft derzeit an vielen Fronten in der Kronen Zeitung Die Causa Cobra...
Substitute while the actions of the article are loading Shortly after Russia took over Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in 2014, a Ukrainian defense company...