Le Centre de services scolaire (CSS) Marie-Victorin a ouvert une enquête sur un litige concernant l’utilisation du mot « N » par le directeur de...
Category - World News
Die Finnen wollen in wenigen Wochen entscheiden, ob sie der Nato beitreten – sie spielen mit dem Feuer. Nach dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine hat...
A day after Russia lost its flagship missile cruiser, Moscow, its defense ministry threatened Ukraine with intensified attacks and said it had hit a factory to...
Elon Musk’s Twitter account can be seen on a smartphone in front of the Twitter logo in this photo taken on April 15, 2022. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic /...
Twitter has launched a defense against the ingestion of poison pills to repel a hostile $ 43 billion offer from Tesla billionaire CEO Elon Musk. In the first...
Most hospital visits in western Quebec have been suspended due to the latest wave of COVID-19, according to local health authorities. Hospitals in Gatineau...
L’annulation des résultats du plus grand bureau de vote de Toulouse après une erreur humaine a suscité la polémique. Des représentants des candidats à la...
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Ukraine claims it hit Moscow with missiles, causing it to sink. Russia has insisted that the cause of the sinking was a fire. On Friday, the United States...
A warship that survived Japanese airstrikes in the Pacific, a typhoon and volleys of artillery fire, sank slowly away from the theaters where it saw battles...