L’hypothèse selon laquelle des missiles ukrainiens ont touché le vaisseau amiral russe Moscou, selon Kiev, est un scénario plausible, de nombreux experts...
Category - World News
Wir verwenden Cookies oder ähnliche Informationen (wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Web-Beacons) sowie Funktionen von Drittanbietern, die Cookies setzen. Dies dient der...
A Russian state television presenter said the reason why President Vladimir Putin’s “special operation” in Ukraine was taking so long was...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk scoffs at Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg for owning huge media platforms while Musk himself tries to buy the huge Twitter media platform...
A South American wild flower that was thought to be extinct has been rediscovered. Gasteranthus extinctus was discovered by biologists at the foot of the Andes...
NASA’s Artemis 1 lunar rocket, the first spacecraft booster, stands on top of launch pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, while the...
Le parquet général près la Cour de cassation a annoncé la clôture de l’enquête sur des soupçons de saisie illégale d’intérêts à l’encontre du...
Deutschland will aus Putins Gas raus. Das Problem: Es wird Jahre dauern, bis Katar und Norwegen weitere Gas- und Flüssigerdgas-Terminals entlang der...
Substitute while the actions of the article are loading He circumcised men between the ages of eight and 80. He took his kit to synagogues and hospitals, made...
The United States has for the first time agreed to provide Kyiv with the types of powerful capabilities that some Biden officials a few weeks ago considered...