19:35 ET Rob Dawson, correspondent Ralph Rangnik called Manchester United’s 4-0 defeat to Liverpool “uncomfortable, perhaps even humiliating”...
Category - World News
Fulham are back where they belong, the underworld between the Championship and the Premier League, where the club has spent the last five summers. Each of them...
The University of Guelph Student Association apologizes after allegations that sinks used by Muslim students to cleanse themselves before prayer were urinated...
La planète glaciaire, quatre fois plus grande que la Terre, est l’archétype des nouvelles exoplanètes découvertes par les scientifiques ces dernières...
Hoffnung auf Leberkrebs: Eine spezielle Form des Ultraschalls kann gegen Tumore und Metastasen in der Leber helfen – auch wenn die Tumore nur teilweise...
Russian tycoon Oleg Tinkov condemned Moscow’s “massacre” in Ukraine and called on the West to help end “this insane war.”...
A Louisiana man who appears to have been on a one-day drug with a woman killed her in a car Monday in an online attack showing he stabbed, strangled and...
Students are advised to be “calmer” about the reputation of the universities they want to attend, after a new study found that it may be better to...
Vancouver guitarist and singer Jerry Dusset died at the age of 70 on Monday. The Juno rocker who won the hit single from 1977, Mama Let Him Play, died...
Les actions de Netflix ont fortement chuté après l’annonce de la perte de 200 000 abonnés au premier trimestre, par rapport à la fin de 2021, la première...