Jean-Luc Melanchon n’a pas fini ses campagnes politiques. Le chef rebelle a appelé les Français à le nommer premier ministre après sa défaite au premier...
Category - World News
Diese Aussagen drohen in Russland mit 15 Jahren Gefängnis! Der russische Milliardär Oleg Tinkov, 54, hat das russische Militär beschuldigt, in der Ukraine...
A man inhales a toothbrush The Canadian Press – April 19, 2022 / 4:22 pm | History: 366423 The routine trip to the dentist was anything but normal...
Three USS George Washington sailors were found dead in less than a week on WAVY TV 10 Three American sailors from the aircraft carrier were found dead in less...
A member of Congress has called on the Biden administration to impose travel bans on senior British lawyers who have acted in favor of wealthy Russian clients...
Annegret Kukuz thought she would be on a beach on the sand in Aruba, but that expectation quickly failed when she arrived at Pearson International Airport in...
Malgré une baisse du nombre d’abonnés au premier trimestre 2022, Netflix a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 7,9 milliards de dollars (7,3 milliards...
Hoffnung auf Leberkrebs: Eine spezielle Form des Ultraschalls kann gegen Tumore und Metastasen in der Leber helfen – auch wenn die Tumore nur teilweise...
A New York City police man who attacked two police officers trying to arrest him in downtown Manhattan for “raping four-year-old twins” in...
Flash actor Ezra Miller has been arrested for alleged assault, Hawaii police say | Crime and courts We understand that you are trying to access this...