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Category - World News
An anti-epileptic drug that causes babies’ health problems when taken by pregnant women is still being given to patients without safety warnings, they...
Photo: Contributed Three Ukrainians fleeing the war will remain in Poland after attempts to find a place in BC became a difficult task. Anya Frolova and...
Le ministère russe de la Défense a publié samedi une vidéo montrant une rencontre entre le chef de la marine et des survivants du croiseur de la mer Noire...
EU-Staaten zur Eile aufgefordert, von der Leyen pocht auf schnelle Waffenlieferungen 17. April 2022, 00:57 Uhr Die EU bereitet ein sechstes Sanktionspaket...
Russia’s state television presenter says war in Ukraine “has already escalated in World War III” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has...
Britney Spears, who has just revealed that she is expecting a baby from Sam Asgari, is returning to her pregnancy with her first child, Sean Preston. After...
No wonder he was celebrating! Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo “won a great £ 850,000 bonus after hatching a trick in a close win against Norwich...
An Israeli astronomer and his research partner have identified the first interstellar meteor known to hit Earth, the US military has confirmed. The space rock...
Présidentielle 2022 J-8 : 23 000 personnes dans la rue pour dire “non à l’extrême droite” RTL Ces électeurs de gauche expliquent pourquoi ils...