Nach einer Testamentsänderung wurde der 43-jährige Mann zum Selbstmord aufgerufen 14. April 2022, 20:52 Uhr Die Ereignisse klingen grausam: Ein Mann soll...
Category - World News
A protester was thrown to the ground and pulled out of a Marine Le Pen press conference after holding a heart-shaped sign with a photo of the French...
Zoom / Cars parked at the Tesla Fremont factory in Fremont, California, on February 10, 2022. Getty Images | Josh Edelson On Wednesday, a federal judge...
Russia’s flagship of the Black Sea Fleet has sunk, Moscow said after the warship was damaged in an explosion. Russian media reported that Moscow, which...
Although patients usually have a prescription in their hands when they stop at a pharmacy to take medication, a Niagara pharmacist said it might make more...
Procès le 13 novembre. L’audition de Salah Abdeslam a dérapé, encore Ouest-France Salah Abdeslam affirme être entré dans un café et avoir refusé...
Der im Krieg in der Ukraine beschädigte russische Kreuzer Moskau, das Flaggschiff der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte, ist gefallen. Das teilte das...
Archaeological excavations under Notre Dame Cathedral have uncovered an extraordinary treasure trove of statues, sculptures, tombs and parts of an original...
In his first public speech as CIA Director, William J. Burns on Thursday called the killings of Ukrainian civilians in Bucha a “crime” and said...
Mr Aslin’s 25-year-old brother, Nathan Wood, told The Telegraph: “I think it’s quite disturbing to see his condition. Especially given the...