Une vidéo diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux montre un policier en train de combattre un homme dans un hall d’un immeuble de la ville de Seine-Saint-Denis...
Category - World News
So ruhig und intim klingt es: Zürichs Audio-Branding-Agentur Department of Noise hat für Pro Senectute Schweiz eine Sound-Identität entwickelt. Ausgabe –...
Canada is in no hurry to revoke its mandate for masks for airplanes, trains and other federally regulated public transportation, officials said Tuesday...
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Tuesday that makes it difficult to retain the mandate of public university professors, formulating legislation as another way...
English Channel Crossing: Priti Patel’s proposed solutions were proposed before the deal with Rwanda
The British government has rejected a series of proposals to reduce the smuggling of asylum seekers in the years leading up to the deal with Rwanda, reveals...
Ezra Miller was arrested on suspicion of assault on Tuesday, the second time the actor, known for Flash’s role in the Justice League and other films, has...
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Erstmals seit Jahrhunderten gehören weniger als die Hälfte der Bundesbürger der evangelischen oder katholischen Kirche an. Das Christentum verliert in unserem...
Russian forces have given the last Ukrainian defenders in Mariupol an extra chance to surrender this morning, as Ukraine says it is prioritizing efforts to...
Solomon’s Prime Minister Manasse Sogaware defends the security pact his government signed with China on Tuesday. Sogaware told parliament that an...