A local resident is sitting by a fire in a yard in front of a damaged building in Mariupol, Ukraine, on April 14. (Alexander Ermochenko / Reuters) In his last...
Category - World News
t The Russian Ministry of Defense has already published photos of the crew members from sunken Moscow. This is reported to be the first time the crew has been...
If the loss of 20 points in Philadelphia was not painful enough, the Raptors lost esteemed rookie Scotty Barnes due to an ankle injury and saw star defender...
Retrouvez tous nos live #PRESIDENTIELLE ici 11h40 : Les sondages affectent-ils le vote des Français ? Certains leur reprochent de privilégier un vote « utile »...
Die Polizei hat am späten Samstagabend eine illegale Pokerrunde in einer Ferienwohnung in Wien-Donaustadt gestoppt. Vorausgegangen war ein anonymer Anruf, aus...
Some Nestlé employees in Ukraine have left because of the company’s business in Russia, Reuters reported. An executive director said in an internal email...
The Pittsburgh Public Safety Department did not say how they died. “There are also several injuries from people who escaped the fire,” the...
10:39 AM BST 10:39 AM The Ukrainian president said the situation in Mariupol was “inhumane” and called on allies to provide heavy weapons to save...
Amid disagreements between Twitter and Musk, popular mobile developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi noticed the “edit” button on the...
(Montréal) Les contribuables n’ont plus que deux semaines pour produire leur déclaration de revenus. Selon l’Agence du revenu du Canada, plus de 13...