10:31 Près de 37% des sympathisants de Mélenchon voteront blanc ou zéro, 33% pour Macron au second tour La France insoumise (LFI) a appelé ceux qui soutenaient...
Category - World News
Werbung sollte jedoch nicht das Spiel stören oder Spieler irritieren. Microsoft soll an einem Modell arbeiten, das es ermöglichen soll, Werbung in kostenlosen...
(CNN) Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told CNN on Friday that “all countries in the world” must be prepared for the possibility of Russian...
The gunfire observed by Kim Jong Un comes as the United States and South Korea warn that North Korea may soon resume nuclear tests. North Korean leader Kim...
The West Midlands Fire Department dealt with a fire in a high tower on Middleborough Road in Radford. The fire department confirmed that the fire was located...
A man said he wanted to “kill terrorists” in an attack on Muslim worshipers during a prayer last month, the imam of a mosque in Mississauga, Ont...
Le Canada a déjà pris une avance de 2-0 lors de la ronde de qualification pour la Coupe Billy Jean King. Leila Ani Fernandez a réussi à envoyer le pays en...
Alle (NRW) – Ein schreckliches Drama an der Weser bei Mindon. Zwei Brüder (32, 36) ruderten am Samstagabend gegen 18 Uhr mit ihren Kanus zum Tor...
Israeli police entered the Al Aqsa complex in Jerusalem for the second time in three days. Clashes continue and the sound of anti-riot weapons is clearly heard...
Israeli police entered the Temple Mount complex on Sunday morning as hundreds of Palestinians allegedly tried to block Jewish visitors from visiting the holy...