Un porte-parole du gouvernement, partisan d’Emmanuel Macron, a fait allusion ce lundi aux déclarations choquantes de Jean-Marie Le Pen sur la Seconde...
Category - World News
Die Lage in der Ostukraine verschlechtert sich weiter, da die russische Armee dort ihre Angriffe intensiviert. Russlands neues Ziel ist es, die Ostukraine zu...
Anatoly Antonov Photo by Mark Wilson / Getty Images Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, has not spoken to Russian President...
After a break from the Marvel cinematic universe, Natalie Portman returns and is more powerful than ever in the first teaser for “Thor: Love and...
Jane Foster has always been more than Odinson’s love interest, but you may not know it just from watching one of Thor’s Marvel films so far –...
The pink moon sets behind NASA’s Artemis 1 Space Launch System rocket on Saturday, April 16, 2022 (Image credit: Michael Seeley / We Report Space) A...
Après une course d’avance, Jeffrey Bouchard remporte la première étape du Tour des Alpes entre Cles-Primiero et San Martino di Castroza en Italie. A 30...
Im Gefecht um die ukrainische Hafenstadt Mariupol haben russische Truppen offenbar einen ehemaligen britischen Marine festgenommen. Der Brite Sean Piner (48)...
Ukraine has completed a questionnaire that will be a starting point for the European Union to decide on Kyiv’s membership, said Igor Zhovkva, deputy head...
Alex Jones’ Infowars files on bankruptcy against Sandy Hook correspond to Bloomberg Alex Jones’ Infowars files bankruptcy after defamation lawsuit...