There are currently 61 people in Thunder Bay County Hospital with COVID-19.
THUNDER BAY – COVID-19 hospitalizations peak in 2022
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit announced 146 new confirmed cases of the virus on Friday, also noting that 61 people have been hospitalized in the watershed area, 10 more than was reported two days earlier.
Five of these patients are in intensive care, two more than on Wednesday. Thirty-five patients, including four in the intensive care unit, were admitted to the Thunder Bay Regional Center for Health Sciences.
The health unit also announced its 90th COVID-19-related death since the start of the pandemic, the 20th said this year.
It should be noted that confirmed cases only consider those who have been shown to have the virus with a molecular test, which from the beginning of 2022 is limited to those in the most vulnerable populations and the actual number of cases is considered is exponentially higher.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 11,623 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 7,359 have occurred this year.
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