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John Krasinski’s appearance was revealed in the alleged leak of “Doctor Strange 2”.

WARNING: We’re going to be talking about Dr. Strange spoilers, so if you’re NOT interested in that, then beat it – otherwise … welcome, everyone, at the time of Marvel speculation … starring John Krasinski .

The Twittersphere comic was set on fire on Sunday after apparently leaked footage from the new DS sequel – coming out this week – appeared online and spread like wildfire … with grainy videos and photos that seem to show JK as Mr. Fantastic.

All I’m saying is that if John Krasinski ends up playing Mr. Fantastic either in Multiverse of Madness or in the upcoming movie Fantastic 4, I’ll never stop talking about it pic.twitter.com/BWgx80yTO6

– ravinis (@jedisfulcrum) April 26, 2022 @jedisfulcrum

As funny as it is, it’s pretty accurate compared to how people thought they would look in this role months ago … tons of Kraskinski fancast models like Reed Richards were made.

Now, although it’s not clear if the new footage is actually real … it certainly looks legitimate (since it looks like it was recorded by some monitor), which is probably why a lot of this media has been pulled down to the left and right by Disney right now. This is always a prerequisite.

John Krasinski’s favorite fancast of all time as Reed Richards pic.twitter.com/v4dSr29g3J

– Doping 🗿 | Avatar 2 Sweep (@pool_dope) April 28, 2022 @pool_dope

We won’t post any of this here – but unfortunately for Mouse House, it’s already everywhere on Twitter … and the cat seems to be out of the bag. Krasinski is dressed in the typical blue suit as he faces Elizabeth Olson’s Wanda – with 3 characters behind him.

Not Fantastic 4, by itself … but other not-so-famous Marvel characters who make up the Illuminati (no, not this one).

The first official look at Captain Carter in #MultiverseOfMadness pic.twitter.com/xfcPjHwPzp

– DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) April 29, 2022 @DiscussingFilm

It will be Captain Marvel (not Brie Larson’s version), Captain Carter (a British Captain America woman) and a man named Black Bolt (I can’t say we’ve ever heard of him).

Apparently they are facing Wanda and it looks like they will betray their asses. Oh, and the word is that Professor X (Patrick Stewart) also shows up … and maybe dies?

Anyway, this is supposed to be the latest for “Strange” – time will tell if any of these rumors spoilers will come true. The film comes out on Friday and is expected to be as big as “Spider-Man: No Way Home” at the box office.

Based on all these cameos that can arise … something tells us that they will get their money and then a little.