United states

John Roberts notes “Absolutely appalling” expiration of draft Roe Supreme Court ruling against Wade for “Bad Apple”

If the source of the Supreme Court is indeed “a bad apple,” as Chief Justice John Roberts said Thursday, then it has not fallen far from the tree. At a meeting of lawyers and judges in Georgia, Roberts called Monday’s leak of the bombing opinion supporting Roe’s end against Wade “absolutely appalling,” according to CNN. The “person” or “people” behind the leak, the chief judge added, are “stupid” if they think it will affect the trial process or the final decision. Thursday’s remarks were the second time Roberts commented on the leak after he confirmed that a draft published by Politico was legitimate – though not final – on Tuesday. “To the extent that this betrayal of the Court’s trust was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will fail,” Roberts said in a statement, promising to identify the source. The draft, drafted by Judge Samuel Alito, called the landmark 1973 lawsuit legalizing abortion across the country “extremely wrong from the start”.

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