
Johnny Depp’s recording warns of a “bloodbath” if controversy escalates

Jurors hearing testimony in a defamation case against Johnny Depp against his ex-wife, actress Amber Heard, on Monday listened to audio recordings of him referring to the violence that could ensue if their disputes escalate.

“The next move, if I don’t leave … will be a bloodbath, as it was on the island,” Depp said in the recording.

In other audio clips, Depp loudly shouts vulgarities at his wife, calling her a derogatory name and shouting, “You fool …” to her.

Depp shuddered in the stands as the videos were released, while Hurd seemed to struggle with tears.

Depp is suing Hurd for defamation over a 2018 article she wrote in the Washington Post. She calls herself a “public figure representing domestic violence.”

Depp’s cross-examination ended Monday morning

The videos were part of Depp’s grueling cross-examination, which ended late Monday morning when he testified on the fourth day of testimony because of allegations that Hurd falsely portrayed him as a domestic abuser.

Hurd’s lawyers continued to ask questions during their cross-examination. focusing on Depp’s drinking, drug use, and charged interactions with Hurd during their relationship.

During his testimony on Monday, Depp actually said very little, although when redirected by his lawyer, he tried to explain some of his rude language and again denied that he cut off his own finger during a battle with Hurd – although he did. told people so much at the time. Now he says the finger was cut off when Hurd threw a bottle of vodka at him.

On Monday, his fourth day of trial, Depp was cross-examined by one of Hurd’s lawyers. Most of the interrogations consisted of Hurd’s lawyer playing audio clips or reading vulgar text messages sent by Depp and asking the actor if he had read them correctly. (Steve Helber / Poole / Associated Press)

“Why should I start cutting numbers in my 50s?” He said, pointing to his right hand at the jury. “I can’t take responsibility for what I now call Little Richard, my cut finger.

Most of the interrogations consisted of Hurd’s lawyer playing audio clips or reading vulgar text messages sent by Depp, and asking Depp if he had read them correctly.

During the cross-examination, Depp expressed his dissatisfaction with J.’s questions. Benjamin Rothenborn, Hurd’s lawyer. When he interrupted an answer, Depp said, “I was talking.” When Rothenborn said he thought the question was the answer, Depp said, “As long as you’re happy.”

Depp also disapproved as Rothenborn read headlines from a series of negative articles written about the actor, some dating back to 2014.

Hurd, in the center, spoke with his lawyers in a courtroom in Fairfax, Virginia, on Monday. Depp claims his finger was cut off when Hurd threw a bottle of vodka at him. (Steve Helber / Poole / Associated Press)

“These are all hit songs. These are sloppy,” the actor said.

Rothenborn presented the articles to try to demonstrate that the 2018 Washington Post article at the center of the case is not what is damaging its reputation, but rather a long history of misconduct.

The process focuses on ugly details of the couple’s marriage

While the defamation lawsuit should focus on whether Depp is defamatory in the article, much of the process focuses on the ugly details of the couple’s brief marriage.

Depp denies hitting Hurd, while Hurd’s lawyers claim that Depp physically and sexually abused her and that his denial is unfounded because he was often drunk and strong to the point of eclipse.

Depp was last in the stands on Thursday. Hurd’s lawyers cited his history of smashing hotel rooms, as well as the time he smashed bathroom oats during a dispute with Hurd. Depp is also facing a lawsuit filed by a member of the film crew, who claims that the actor attacked them in 2018.

The jury saw dozens of Depp’s texts to friends about his drinking, drug use and interactions with his then-wife, as well as notes of remorse for Hurd and her father.

Depp, far left, testified in the Fairfax courtroom, Virginia, on Monday, while Hurd, far right, sat next to one of her lawyers, Elaine Bradhoft. (Steve Helber / Poole / Associated Press)

Depp said the allegations and the article contributed to an unjustly ruined reputation that turned him into a Hollywood exile and cost him his role in the lucrative Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise. Hurd’s lawyers say Depp’s reputation is the result of his own bad behavior.

Depp has been on the stand at Fairfax County Court since last Tuesday afternoon. The actor testified that Hurd abused drugs and that she was the one who physically assaulted him. He called the accusations against him of drug addiction “grossly embellished”, although he admitted that he had taken a lot of drugs.