
Kelowna faces the possibility of fines for bad recycling habits – Kelowna News

Photo: RDCO

Central governments in Central Okanagan must decide when it comes to recycling.

Maintain the status quo or transfer the Recycle BC program to work and maintain.

If Monday’s discussion around the Kelowna council table is an indication, Recycle BC has a lot to explain before Kelowna’s advisers are reassured to hand over the RDCO-led curb recycling program.

“I realize we have to make a decision, but there wasn’t much at the board meeting and there isn’t much here, which gives me a lot of faith that the Recycle BC program will meet the needs of our people like … and I’m not convinced it will divert a lot of landfill waste, “said Count Brad Sieben.

“You have to make it convenient for people to do it. If it is too burdensome, they will not do it. The jar of peanut butter will go in the trash. If they trust us and we have no control, then I have a real problem with that. “

A survey of residents earlier this year showed that 92% are satisfied with the current system for collecting cans, paper, plastic boxes and other packaging and paper products. But 84% would like to switch to a service for sorting recyclable materials on the curb in multiple containers.

And about 70% of residents would be more inclined to sort recyclable waste on board if glass collection was included and additional recycling fees were avoided.

But the council suggested they want to find a solution that is ultimately easier for residents to navigate.

Kelowna residents currently have more than twice the level of pollution allowed by Recycle BC, which currently regulates the program.

This can result in fines of up to $ 480,000 or about $ 12 per user at some point.

“I think the goal behind this whole conversation is how we can make it easier, reduce pollution and increase the level of service,” Cohen said. Loyal Waldridge.

“How to streamline this process. We know there are limitations with Recycle BC and their mandate is funded by the packaging manufacturers, so I think we need to realize that.”

If you decide to stay with the status quo, the fees can be increased if fines are imposed and if the option to take glass is included.

The decision must be made by July.