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Macron strikes Le Pen over Putin’s ties and ban on headscarves in tense debate

In Sunday’s only debate ahead of Sunday’s presidential run-off, French President Emmanuel Macron attacked his far-right rival, Marine Le Pen, for owing money to a Kremlin-linked bank and warned that her proposal to ban headscarves for Muslim women could create a civil war. ”

The other side: Le Pen, who tried to rebrand and party after being crushed by Macron in 2017, slammed the French president for crime and rising living costs and said he understood better the struggles of the electorate.

Status: Macron’s lead was up to 10% in the latest Politico survey – bigger than the 6% difference a week ago, but still far closer than 66% to 34% in 2017.

  • One key question is whether supporters of Jean-Luc Melenchon, a far-left candidate who finished just behind Le Pen with 22% in the first round, will flock to Macron or stay at home.

For Russia and Ukraine:

  • Le Pen expressed “solidarity and compassion” with the Ukrainian people, promised humanitarian and defense aid and even praised Macron’s diplomatic efforts.
  • But Le Pen opposed the ban on Russian oil and gas, saying it would not harm Russia, but would be a “cataclysm” for France. She also warned that sending certain weapons to Ukraine could make France a “conquering country” and that efforts to isolate Moscow could lead to an alliance between Russia and China.
  • Macron hit Le Pen hard for praising her in the past for Russian President Vladimir Putin and for quickly acknowledging Russian control of Crimea in 2014.
  • In one of the most horrific remarks about the night’s attack, Macron said Russia was in fact Le Pen’s banker and would have “dependence” on Moscow because her party had not yet fully repaid a 2014 loan to a bank linked to with the Russian state.
  • Le Pen replied that he was not dependent on Russia, saying: “I am a completely free, independent woman.”

For Europe:

  • Le Pen denied that he had planned to withdraw France from the euro or the EU – positions he has shifted since 2017 – but said he would stand up for France in Brussels in a way no previous French president had.
  • Macron promised to reform aspects of EU law, including the Schengen area of ​​free movement, but also defended the EU and the Franco-German partnership, noting that France does not produce its own vaccine against mRNA COVID and must rely on partners such as Germany.
  • Macron also rejected Le Pen’s claim that he saw France as a “continental” power, not a “world power”, and focused too much on Europe rather than the French overseas territories and relations with Francophone countries in Africa.

About the quality of life:

  • Le Pen hit Macron hard in two areas: crime and rising living costs. She said Macron’s “contempt” for the police was harmful and she would “show them a little love” while harsher convictions.
  • She said life in France was more difficult than five years ago, and said – without much detail – that she would use “economic patriotism” and “common sense” to make things better.
  • Macron tried to reach out to frustrated voters on the left with promises to make France a “great environmental power” and offer more support to the poorest in society.

On the headscarves for Muslim women:

  • The most explosive moment of the debate came when Le Pen was asked about her proposal to ban the hijab in all public places.
  • Macron said it would make France the first country in the world to ban religious symbols and “make police officers run down the street, chasing girls wearing hijabs or boys wearing statues”.
  • Taking advantage of the point to highlight Le Pen’s radical candidacy, Macron said some French citizens would not be able to leave their homes under the law and that Le Pen’s proposals could lead to a “civil war”.

Debate tone:

  • Le Pen did not lose his composure, as in his disastrous performance in the debate in 2017, and maintained a warm, smiling demeanor during almost 3 hours of debate. She was worried at times when Macron insisted on specific figures and political positions.
  • Experts note that while Macron’s didactic tendency underscores his mastery of political issues, it may have repelled voters who are already inclined to view him as arrogant.
  • When Macron joked at one point that Le Pen had behaved “much better than last time,” she replied with a smile, “We’re getting older and wiser.”

Go deeper: Macron’s struggles with young voters leave room for Le Pen

Editor’s note: This story has been updated with additional details from the debate.